'Ember update has changed how she works. Her kit is much more interactive now and cohesive, in my opinion. Here\'s some chill footage of me fashion framing in an Alert mission. Running 3 of her augments (2nd 3rd and 4th). If Lady Thor looked like this, it would be dope. The way her 2nd augment functions with affinity range means if you pop a fosfau you extend the coverage of your defensive aura to your teammates all the way to 200 meters, which is excellent. 3rd Augment heals you for each enemy hit, which synergies well with Hunter\'s Adrenaline 4th Augment adds static 15% energy orb drop chance per enemy effected, which synergies with Arcane Energize and Zenurik school to let you spam your 3rd'
Tags: Thor , warframe , fashion frame , ember , fashionframe , Playwarframe , Pyromancy , ember prime , pyromancer , lady thor , warframepc , pc warframe
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