'Ah, the boys will never understand the daily struggles behind wearing a bra! But no worries, ladies, we’re here to give you some life-saving girly hacks that will save you the stress! Get rid of pain caused by shoes or make your bra band longer so it’s not too tight anymore. Well then, ladies, no more awkward girly situations! Stay tuned for more girly DIY fashion hacks, clothing tips, and other girly stuff! 00:00 Wider Strap 00:42 Bra Styling 01:26 Invisible Straps 02:07 Shoe Pain 02:36 Decor Push Up 03:11 Bra Wire For Help 03:38 Bra Organization 04:06 Bra Make Up Bag 05:19 Bra Dryer 05:43 Bra Fixing 06:25 Bra Hardening 06:46 Visible Bra Straps 07:09 Bikini Top 07:28 Other Way Bikini Top #BraHacks #GirlyHacks #FashionHacks Love the music used in this video? We find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa Subscribe to Crafty Panda: Bubbly: https://www.youtube.com/CraftyPandaBubbly?sub_confirmation=1 Español: https://www.youtube.com/TrucosPanda?sub_confirmation=1 Deutsch: https://www.youtube.com/HacksVonPanda?sub_confirmation=1 Français: https://www.youtube.com/AstucesDuPanda?sub_confirmation=1 Português: https://www.youtube.com/TruquesDoPanda?sub_confirmation=1 Pусский: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsiXd1g_bLJG09kfHCfrBaQ?sub_confirmation=1 Arabic: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX8c8zd6_SY5aapRMkp030w?sub_confirmation=1 Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKfkSZCohr9tDAKNN4atyGQ?sub_confirmation=1'
Tags: Women , woman , 5-minute crafts , diy clothes , Life Hacks , troom troom , bra , girly hacks , hacks for girls , crafty panda , fashion hacks , fashion tips , ladies , diy clothing , beauty hacks , fashion diy , blossom , Hungry Panda , Trucos Panda , 123 GO! , Crafty Panda School , clothing tips , Girly Panda , 5-Minute Girly , Beauty DIY , Girly Crafts , Every Girl Should Know , bra hacks , Girls hacks , Must Know , Bra Ideas , girly fashion , bra diy , Girly Life Hacks , Girly Clothes , bra crafts
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