'Join Chris Heria to Do This Every Morning To Get 6 Pack Abs. Learn how to engage your Abs differently and start building crazy strength and definition from Home. Find out How to start working out the best way for beginners with Chris Heria and the Heria Pro App. & for more workouts by Chris Heria visit heriapro.com and download the HERIA Pro App in the App Store! Follow us: @chrisheria https://www.instagram.com/chrisheria/ soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/chrisheria Instagram: @chrisheria @weightvest @heria.shop @heriapro DOWNLOAD HERIA PRO APP to have Chris Heria as your trainer in your pocket.: http://heria.pro/ SHOP HERIA APPAREL: https://chrisheria.com JOIN OUR EVENTS: http://thenx.com/blog/events/ (currently updating) BUY A HERIA WEIGHTVEST: https://chrisheria.com/collections/equipment/products/i-strong-heria-strong-i-weight-vest FOLLOW CHRIS HERIA MUSIC ON SOUNDCLOUD/SPOTIFY https://soundcloud.com/chrisheria https://open.spotify.com/artist/62qifOWqESHtTVSZrlKRtt JOIN OUR EVENTS: http://thenx.com/blog/events/ (currently updating) check out my main YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/officialthenxstudios'
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