'What You Don\'t Know | VLOG 134 NOT ALWAYS A FAN Aaron\'s not known for his collaboration videos. He\'s only published a handful, and recently he added one more to the list. He collabed with Jose Zuniga of Teaching Men\'s Fashion. What\'s interesting is that Aaron hasn\'t always been Jose\'s number one fan - in fact, at one point he thought Jose was copying his content. He was also jealous of Jose\'s string of 5 viral videos that occurred in a 2 month period. But the tides have turned after recently hanging-out with him and seeing the man he is. AN UNEXPECTED BUSINESS INSPIRATION Previously, Aaron met Jose a few times at MENfluential Conference. Jose\'s YouTube channel is Teaching Men\'s Fashion, but he also has a Spanish version of the same channel. As a result, he films 6 videos a week in English and then 6 videos a week in Spanish. He\'s also editing, writing scripts, capturing B-roll, and having Instagram photo-shoots. After hearing about what all goes into Jose\'s work schedule, Aaron appreciates him like never before. Aaron says that he and Jose are on the \'same playing field\' and that both are not afraid to sell as influencers. Like Aaron, Jose is an influencer that is not afraid to deliver a pitch and to sell. Aaron respects that; however, they both \'get heat\' for doing a lot of promotions. Regardless, they both enjoy doing the promotions and believe in them. Aaron boasts that he was the first influencer to stand behind the products he promotes. He\'s proud of the brands and not shy about doing the best sales pitch possible. He says that advertising brands has enabled him to be a full-time YouTuber, filling his schedule. He notes that the relationships work both ways -- he believes in the brands he promotes -and- the brands believe in him & appreciate his work (especially if he converts). He takes the responsibility incredibly serious stating (1) he can\'t & won\'t promote a product that he can\'t stand behind or believe in and (2) he won\'t promote the product if he can\'t successfully be effective at conversions. At 23 years young, Jose is so hungry, smart, and motivated. He has incredible drive and is so hardworking. He\'s not afraid to try things or to fail. Jose failed at 18 years old and has parlayed that failure into his new line of ESTNLS. With these energizing and resilient qualities, Jose has boosted Aaron\'s adrenaline. Aaron comments that he feels \'high\' from his engagement with Jose. Aaron was missing that as he explains that he doesn\'t have a lot of friends as hungry as himself. Jose simply rocked Aaron\'s world. STARTING A BUSINESS & BUILDING A BRAND | AIM HIGH WITH BIZ RELATIONSHIPS Aaron emphasizes to surround yourself with people at or ahead of you. If you are more successful & driven than everyone else in your circle where everyone looks up to you and you don\'t have someone to look up to or commiserate with, you won\'t get as much out of those relationships as you possibly could if you were to develop & cultivate relationships with people on your level of business drive, motivation, and dreams. It\'s great to have supportive people, but it\'s another ball game if they\'re going at it like you are. It\'s important to be around people who are uplifting and get you excited as opposed to people looking to you for all the answers & motivation that they really need to get for themselves. Aaron was completely fired-up when Jose left because it\'s the first time in a long time that he was around someone at this same level of drive, motivation, and excitement to be successful. Aaron said this is critical. He reflects upon MENfluential Conference where he was around fantastically successful people, but he says he\'s at a different level than a lot of people in terms of what he wants for himself, the ability to work hard & not get distracted, and how he sacrifices to achieve greatness. Aaron adds that he is incredibly motivated, driven, and willing to give it all. It\'s who he is - he want to be successful and will stop at nothing. Not many out-work Aaron... that is until he met Jose. T-MINUS THIS WEEK! Tiege Hanley is focusing on the Acne launch this week. The explainer video has been filmed, and then Aaron completed the voice-over. Tiege Hanley went heavy with inventory, planning for significant success with the launch. The BIG question on everyone\'s mind is how will the system do? ----- WATCH MORE VIDEOS ➤ Aaron Marino\'s \"Starting a Business + Building a Brand\" vlog - http://tiege.com/tiegehanleyvlog ➤ Educational videos about a variety of men\'s topics - http://tiege.com/tiegehanlyedu ➤ Tiege Hanely product videos - http://tiege.com/tiegehanleyproducts ----- FOLLOW US ➤ Facebook - https://facebook.com/tiegehanley ➤ Instagram - https://instagram.com/tiegehanley/ ➤ TikTok - https://tiktok.com/@tiegehanley ➤ Twitter - https://twitter.com/tiegehanley ➤ Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/tiegehanley'
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