'I often get questions about French women\'s style or about Parisian style. There seems to be something about it that is chic and appealing, which I only really realized once I started to travel around and live outside of France. I asked some well-dressed French friends about their do\'s and dont\'s when putting their outfits together: they agreed on so many points! Thumbs up if you liked this video :-) New videos: Wednesday & Sunday. And here is my review of Paris Fashion Week, for more French things: https://youtu.be/Y6lAdd49f9g Take care! Justine ************************** I\'M WEARING: Jewelry: bit.ly/2TngX9G ************************** SOCIAL Instagram: www.instagram.com/JustineLeconte Facebook: Justine Leconte Fashion Twitter: JustineLeconteO Pinterest: jleconteberlin My website (current collection): www.justineleconte.com/shop Business requests: info@justineleconte.com'
Tags: how to , French style , parisian style , french girl , french woman , french women , Style Rules , french girl style , Parisian women , Parisian chic , french women style , dress like a french woman , French chic , how to dress like a french woman , how to dress like a french , how to look parisian chic , style secrets of parisians , ways to be parisian , french woman style , french style tips , perfect french woman , french style in fashion , french style in paris , cliches about france
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