'Get this single https://smarturl.it/rpq520 It was 7 years ago, on night just like tonight, that I first collaborated with Postmodern Jukebox on this Lorde smash hit. Here\'s a re-imagination of it as a new wave tune. Please forgive my herky-jerky movements. I have no idea what I\'m doing. Dedicated to all the weirdos! This is an excerpt from our Still Sequestered Show on the VEEPS platform. Check out our Home Alone Holiday Show on Nov. 28th https://puddlespityparty.veeps.com Tim DeLaney and I played all the instruments. Tim mixed it. I edited the video. Many thanks to my friends at LEWITT for the great microphone. It\'s full of stars!. https://tinyurl.com/LCT840ppp Get souvenirs http://stores.portmerch.com/puddlespityparty/ Website - http://www.puddlespityparty.com Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/puddlespityparty Twitter - http://twitter.com/PuddlesPityP Instagram - http://instagram.com/puddlespityparty'
Tags: Party , halloween , clown , sad , AGT , Golden , America's Got Talent , Jack black , voice , simon cowell , howie mandel , ROYALS , will ferrel , AGT Champions , marcelito pomoy , pItY , Puddles , preacher lawson , eels , lorde , Postmodern Jukebox , Scott Bradlee , Puddles Pity Party , Boogie Storm , Tenacious D
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