'Nyx Prime is my favourite warframe and I love her fashion frame potential but I\'m never quite sure what sort of color scheme. Music Credit: \"Time\" by \"Space Jelly\" Link: https://soundcloud.com/spacejellymusic/time \"New Age Voyager\" by \"Kaj and Soundnet\" Link: http://soundcloud.com/kaj-6/new-age-voyager \"Cloudburst\" by \"Omniment\" Link: https://soundcloud.com/omniment SHAREfactory™ https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/tid=CUSA00572_00'
Tags: fashion frame , NYX , Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , SHAREfactory™ , {5859dfec-026f-46ba-bea0-02bf43aa1a6f} , Warframe Gameplay , Nyx Prime , CaptainPaxo
See also: