'#shirtsforwomen #whiteshirt #niceshirt Classic shirt course here https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=classic-shirt 05:08 drafting of the back block 11:45 drafting a sleeve 15:00 cutting the back block. 16:46 working with the front block. 19:11 cutting the front block. At today\'s lesson you will learn how to make a shirt without a pattern with a one-piece sleeve and a placket. We will take a linen fabric for this shirt, but you can take any other fabric. Irina Paukshte will share some technological issues and tips with you. - You will need only 6 measurements and few minutes. In the next video we\'ll work with a stand-collar for the shirt. Don\'t miss our new videos! Press the play and enjoy watching. Irina Paukshte\'s online courses: https://course.gfwschool.com/pages/courses Make your pattern perfect with 10 measurements: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=10measurement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9yW2-e8Vl8 How to make a sleeveless sheath dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sleeveless-sheath-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a sheath dress with sleeves: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sheath-dress-sleeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a bomber jacket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=bomber-jacket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C33KdIiL-A How to make a classic women\'s shirt: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=classic-shirt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWaJkW5jYK0 How to make a summer dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=summer-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qanzoypFbyc How to make a chiffon dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=chiffon-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4hW_gQuR4 How to make a polo style buttoned placket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=polo-style-placket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsraNkd3VDw How to sew a fly zipper: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=fly-zipper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5btCqwnNnv4 Our new Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/global_fw/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/GlobalFashionWorkshop/_created/'
Tags: Shirts , shirt design , Denim shirt , White Shirt , paukshte , paukshte fashion workshop , blue shirt , white shirt for women , shirt drafting , shirt sewing , wmen shirts 2021
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