'First video in a new series all about patterned fabrics, upon subscriber request! (I\'m a sucker for a polite comment.) This vid breaks down the basics of illustrating print fabrics using a fairly simple pattern. Future videos in this series will cover different media and techniques involving more complex fabrics. Subscribe to get alerts when new videos get uploaded. LINKS MENTIONED IN THE VIDEO: Making Your Fashion Figures 3D With Shadows: https://youtu.be/JulbcfLAy08 Tutorial: Basic Fashion Illustration with Markers (Solid, 1-Color Fabric): https://youtu.be/N8QytHh8pj4 Here\'s the entire playlist on developing female fashion figures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQq1-SdsNvYkupMPA_OszCQXWqGQ1FRm How to Shop for Markers: https://youtu.be/EfQNsYmglJw How to Shop for Colored Pencils: https://youtu.be/48OtFdchG28 And if you want to learn how to render that white pencil skirt, check out: How to Illustrate White Fabrics: https://youtu.be/4bHUcYrUbcQ This is my top rec for a patternmaking book. This book is great because there are tons of patterns and drawing of the clothes on bodies to help you and is more on the affordable range of books. (Also, the drawings are done by one of my college illustration teachers! She\'s amazing.) Patternmaking for Fashion Design http://www.amazon.com/Patternmaking-Fashion-Design-Joseph-Armstrong/dp/0131112112/ref=la_B001HCXEQ2_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1451276729&sr=1-3 I know there is a more recent edition but this is the one I have (4th edition) and use often. (This is an unsolicited, unpaid recommendation.) *** Come find me at https://zoehong.com/ Need help? I sell fashion figure templates, flats templates, tech pack templates and a lot more in my shop here: https://shop.zoehong.com/ https://www.instagram.com/zoehong/ https://www.pinterest.com/zoehong/ https://twitter.com/zoehong https://www.facebook.com/groups/920367461450543/ Come join our group, make friends, network with likeminded creatives! CONTACT: teaching@zoehong.com'
Tags: fashion , how to , fashion design , tutorial , clothing , womenswear , animation , pattern , fashion illustration , illustrator , fabric , techniques , fashion illustration tutorial , Zoe Hong , print , illustration , markers , fashion sketch , colored pencil , fabrics , textile design , textiles , prismacolor , color match , letraset , gel pen , pantone tria , pattered fabric , print fabric
See also: