'Fashion Illustration Tutorial: Alligator or Crocodile'

'Fashion Illustration Tutorial: Alligator or Crocodile'
27:45 Oct 7, 2021
'All my videos on how to render specific fabrics/textures: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQq1-SdsNva3Vnrnwzpz8CXReOEyUwJb  LIST OF SUPPLIES USED:  FOR THE MARKERED BOOT: markers: Prismacolor in Tuscan Red, Letraset Flex in Rosewood colored pencil: Prismacolor in Peach charcoal pencil: General\'s in White paper: Bienfang Marker Paper  FOR THE PAINTED BAG: paint: Winsor & Newton Gouache in Primary Blue and Permanent White, Daniel Smith\'s Watercolor in Pthalo Turquoise, Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor in Ivory Black colored pencil: Prismacolor in Cloud Blue charcoal pencil: General\'s in White gel pen: Sakura Gelly Roll paper: Arches Hot Press 140# Watercolor Paper   ***  Come find me at https://zoehong.com   Need help? I sell fashion figure templates, flats templates, tech pack templates and a lot more in my shop here: https://shop.zoehong.com/   https://instagram.com/zoehong/  https://www.pinterest.com/zoehong/  https://twitter.com/zoehong  https://www.tiktok.com/@zoehongteaches   https://www.facebook.com/groups/920367461450543/  Come join our group, make friends, network with likeminded creatives!   CONTACT: teaching@zoehong.com' 

Tags: fashion , how to , fashion design , painting , tutorial , video , paper , art , lesson , fashion illustration , texture , rendering , fashion illustration tutorial , Zoe Hong , leather , watercolor , illustration , markers , Zoe Hong Teaches , colored pencil , illustrate , gouache , alligator , crocodile , croc , gel pen , charcoal pencil , How to render fabric

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