'Hunting Playlist: http://goo.gl/ez2hxp Mr Chiffon has given us our final Kyrat Fashion Week mission. Sadface. Finally, we meet the rare animal Thick Skin (who I embarrassingly thought was the Rhino way back when I fought him). Anyway, take him down with fire. Molotovs are allowed it seems. And his skin will give us the material for crafting the final explosives bag upgrade. Despite it being utterly burned, apparently. But whatever. Chiffon knows best! Use the survival syringe for a bit more, erm, survivability, if you need. Mr Chiffon chirps in at the end for a final mission, except it looks like they left it out of the game, damn it. Let\'s Play Far Cry 4: http://goo.gl/QvoucF'
Tags: crafting , hunting , Elephant , Far Cry 4 , Kyrat Fashion Week , Thick Skin , explosives bag , rare animal
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