'Plus size retailer Taking Shape head to London Fashion Week'

'Plus size retailer Taking Shape head to London Fashion Week'
02:17 Jan 27, 2024
'To mark the kick-off of London Fashion Week, Taking Shape  introduced the Taking Shape Skinny Bird Watching Society.   Congregating outside Somerset House, inside a cheeky pop-up hide, the group of ‘twitchers’ had their binoculars and notebooks at the ready, eager to spot the near extinct ‘skinny birds’ (aka models) on display that have become the norm in fashion, despite their rarity in real life.   For many women across the UK, the image of the size zero model is far removed from their own reflection. In fact, the average woman in the UK is now a size 16, yet the models that adorn the catwalks rarely venture above a size 6. This disparity between the designer portrayal of the norm and what women really look like is a debate that continues to get tongues wagging, and with this fun stunt Taking Shape wanted to get women chatting about the need for more body diversity on the catwalk, whilst encouraging ALL women of ALL sizes to embrace their bodies and fun with fashion!' 
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