'In this video, got for you guys 1 build here. A pretty obvious one, where you use your spores and Miasma/Molt/Toxic Lash to help spread spores faster. I mainly use Miasma though so this build is made mainly for that but works with the other 2. Steam Guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2011851026'
Tags: 2020 , guide , best , build , warframe , sub , prime , toxic , lash , tay , Warframe guide , Saryn Prime , saryn build , Saryn , Umbra , Best Saryn Prime Build , Spores , molt , toxic lash , miasma , saryn prime best build , Tonny , Tonny Tay , Tonnytay60 , spore , miasma build , (2020) , Umbra Saryn Prime Best Build 2020 , Umbra Saryn , Saryn Best Build , Umbra Saryn Best Build , Spores Build , Molt Build , Toxic Lash Build , Best Saryn Build , Best Umbra Saryn Build , Best Umbra Saryn Prime Build
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