'Today we’ll be talking about the home clothing. I’ll show you how to make a very nice warm dressing gown with the long one-piece sleeves, shawl collar and a wrap over. Do you remember the measurements we need to sew without a pattern? The width of the back, height of the bust, bust, waist and hips. You should also know the length of the item, but we’ll make it as long as the fabric allows. Today Natalie will be my customer and we’ll make a dressing gown for her. I’ll write down just the ½ of all the measurements but one – the height of the bust. I remind you that we are making a dressing gown with a wrap over, shawl collar, one-piece sleeve, waistband and a tuck. I want you to understand that you can make a dress using the same technique — take the jersey fabric, add the buttons, and you’ll get a very nice autumn dress. I’ll show you how to measure the length of the back. You need to measure the space between the 7th neck bone and the waistline. I need to draw the centerback and design the rest of the item from this point. I haven’t measured the length of the item, because I’ll make it as long as the fabric allows. I’ll make the centerback a bit curved at the waistline. I’m making a dressing gown, so I’ll add 1 cm to each measurement for the fitting ease. I also take into consideration that the fabric doesn’t stretch. Remember that the tucks don’t cross the hip line. Try to make the side seam look natural. Have a look at me. Of course I’m not the best example, but even I need a curved side seam. Once again – draw a naturally curved line, and then decide if you want to leave an item this way or make a tuck. The center back should also be a bit curved. Your back is not absolutely straight. What is good about this technique is that I don’t need any measurements when designing a front. Don’t think too long – the bottoms of the front and of the back match. What should I do next? I need to raise the shoulder for about 1,5-2 cm. You shouldn’t do anything not knowing where the centerback and centerfront are. I make a notch on the waistline on all the 4 layers of fabric. Today I’ll show you the designing and cutting. Next time I’ll tack the item, and Natalie will try it on. That’s all for today. My name is Paukshte Irina. Subscribe to my channel!'
Tags: dress , wrap dress , gown dress , gown dress design , paukshte , paukshte fashion workshop , dressing gown , long gown dress , dressing gown pattern , dressing gown tutorial , dressing gown sewing , diy dressing gown , dressing gown diy , how to sew dressing gown , how to make gown dress , how to sew gown dress , gown dress cutting and stitching , how to make dressing gown , gown dress tutorial , gown dress cutting , gown dress pattern , gown style dress , dressing gown making , diy gown dress
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