Sep 27, 2022
'Hey girl! I know we’re still dealing with the pandemic and we now have to protest demanding justice for the cold and brutal killings of our people by the “police.” My heart breaks every time I see a video or a news report with one of us as the headline. We are all struggling to fight this fight and to put our minds at ease. This channel stands for our culture, for racial equality, and the movement of BLACKLIVESMATTER. Period. We matter today, tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that. Our voices will be heard. To get justice for the senseless murder of Breonna Taylor call this number and sign this petition down below ⬇️ 502-735-1784 https://www.change.org/p/andy-beshear-justice-for-breonna-taylor Together we WILL get through this. Enough is enough. Xoxo, Lin P.
Tags: #Covid19 , #fashionnovahaul , #prettylittlething , #BeautyBlogger #BeautyGuru #BeautyBlender
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