Sep 23, 2022
'Dear all! Irina Paukshte’s family and team are grateful for your condolences and support. It’s important for us all to overcome the loss and keep going for the sake of Irina Paukshte’ s dream to teach sewing as many people as possible and to transfer her knowledge to all who are willing to learn sewing. We ‘d appreciate the fruits of her multiyear project and her efforts. So, please share with us the photoes of your garments that you have sewn based on Irina’ s video tutorials, online courses and recommendations. All your posts with photoes & description in the group will be highly appreciated. You can post them on the Global FW Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gfwschool or tag your stories and posts @global_fw on our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/global_fw/?hl=ru Moreover, we have 1000+ free video tutorials, 100+ online courses and Russian Club\'s exclusive tutorials available in Russian that haven\' yet been translated into English or any other language and we would love to share all this treasure with you . And as Irina Paukshte\'s dream was to open Sewing School but unfortunately she didn\'t reach the implementation of her project, in good memory of her we\' re planning to open sewing school soon on a new learning platform and the Fashion Workshop Club on this English channel as she left a tremendous legacy of video tutorials and we can\'t conceal it from her worldwide audience. Please follow our next videos for updates.'
Tags: paukshte , paukshte fashion workshop
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