'Using ML to fashion the business of online retailing | Kshitij Kumar @ Zalando | Data Festival 2019'

'Using ML to fashion the business of online retailing | Kshitij Kumar @ Zalando | Data Festival 2019'
28:46 Sep 20, 2022
'We will discuss how Zalando and other online retail businesses are leveraging Machine Learning to create the best experience for customers, while using technology to drive Data Governance and Privacy. There will be an overview of our ML use cases and a deep dive into how we use Cloud based tools to create the framework for a Machine Learning journey.  Speaker: Kshitij Kumar, Zalando SE, VP, Data Infrastructure, Digital Foundation' 

Tags: technology , retail , ai , data science , machine learning , data governance , munchen , KK , munich , Zalando , data architecture , data festival

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