01:34 Sep 16, 2022
'(18 Sep 1999) Portuguese/Nat VOICED BY LOUISE BATES  A Brazilian swimwear shop has been ordered to pay compensation to a customer because the bikini she bought turned out to be too transparent.   The case has captivated Brazil, where skimpy summer beachwear is seen as an essential fashion accessory.  (0.03) A bikini is almost standard summer fashion for women in Brazil.  But as Thais Bittencourt Camello discovered some bikini\'s are a little more revealing than others.  In fact her new red bikini was so revealing it was completely see-through as she soon realised after her first swim.  (0.20) SOUNDBITE: (Portuguese) \"I was very embarrassed, totally ashamed. My weekend trip ended. We went home straight away. I didn\'t have a T-shirt to cover myself or anything. It was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, in front of all my friends.\"  (0.37) After her complaints at the shop where she bought the garment fell on deaf ears, she decided to sue.  The case has captivated Brazil, and in a surprise decision, the court ruled in Camello\'s favour.   (0.49) The judge, Mario dos Santos Paulo,  was called upon to demonstrated just how revealing the garment really was.  (0.57) SOUNDBITE: (Portuguese) \"The result of the examinations in this case clearly show that the bikini was transparent. On top of that she brought witnesses to the stand. Her word has to be believed.\"  (1.08) Despite the revealing nature of the red bikini, sales have rocketed.  (1.12) SOUNDBITE: (Portuguese) \"Well, now the sales are getting better and I believe that it will improve even more from now on. Everyone is asking for the transparent bikini. It has become a fashion item. Now we are going to sell even more bikinis.\"  (1.28) The revealing red bikini has become the hottest thing in fashion.  (1.33) VISION END  Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork  Twitter: https://twitter.com/AP_Archive  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/APArchives ​​ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/APNews/   You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/954de5549b5854e1f56f9c4fd12f9e17' 

Tags: brazil , AP Archive , Latin America and Caribbean , 153868 , 954de5549b5854e1f56f9c4fd12f9e17 , BRAZIL SEE THROUGH BIKINI WOMAN GETS COMPENSATION (V)

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