'An over view of arm armour development in the 14th Century. Centered mostly on English armour development this video shows the relatively primitive beginnings of plate armour defences on the arm through to the comparative complexity of arm armour less than a century later. Style and fashion may alter but the progressive march towards a fully articulated, functioning work of art is undeniably present in the brass and monumental effigies. It has been my aim to make the interpretation of armour in art approachable for the novice in this video, but if it\'s a little too simple or brief let me know below as I hope to do a series of these in the near future. A big thanks to the folk at http://effigiesandbrasses.com/ for the marvellous work they do with their database. I hope this is useful to you.'
Tags: guide , arms , helpful , D&D , education , craft , History , heritage , overview , medieval , larp , armor , Database , cosplay , development , century , got , brass , armour , R&D , forge , middle ages , blacksmith , reenactment , HMB , 14th century , HEMA , Effigy , 14th , hinges , armure , vambrace , couter , rerebrace , rondel , besague
See also: