'Subscribe to the Evening Standard on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7RQon_YwCnp_LbPtEwW65w?sub_confirmation=1 Legendary French fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98. Over a career spanning seven decades, Cardin was lauded for upending fashion styles and his innovative use of geometric patterns, as well as a savvy business sense that saw his name emblazoned everything on pens to perfumes. In the brand’s heyday in the 1970s and ’80s, his products were sold at some 100,000 outlets worldwide, though that number dwindled dramatically in later decades. His death was announced in a statement on Tuesday from France’s Fine Arts Academy. Read more: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/pierre-cardin-dead-98-b551169.html'
Tags: fashion , fashion designer , FRANCE , london , News , Celebrity , uk , french , death , Pierre Cardin , newspaper , Standard , pierre , 98 , evening standard , Celebrity Death , Cardin
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