'ILLUSTRATION BUSINESS 101 Welcome to the Business of (fashion) illustration course page! Are you ready to build a successful career as a professional (fashion) illustrator? There are many ways that you can earn money as a professional artist. However, I understand to navigate all the paths can be overwhelming, such as where to sell your work? How to price your art? Where to find clients for commission projects? How to grow my social media audiences? Don’t worry! In this course, we will explore six major categories as potential income streams, and give you an inside look at how that business works. I will share my hard-earned knowledge and insights about finding the best platforms to sell your work, find custom commission clients, how to create products with your art, get started with art licensing and many more. You will walk away with a deep understanding of how artists make money and get inspired by new ideas for monetizing your own work. I work as a fashion illustrator but I believe the knowledge of this course can apply to all creative professionals, no matter you are an illustrator, artist, photographer, calligrapher etc. Check the class out at :http://www.rongrongdevoe.com/business-of-fashion-illustration/'
Tags: fashion illustration , fashion illustrator , fashion artist , how to become a fashion illustrator , art business , The business of fashion illustration , how to be a full-time artist , beauty illustrator , Business of being an artist
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