'This is video archive. How to make a tulip collar with one-piece stand and you\'ll find the answers of the following questions: Is this cutting suitable for a big bust? Can I cut the shift dress using this pattern? How creativity can help in a life? In the end of the video Irina Paukshte shares her impressions and shows the finished garment. We continue to work with linen one-piece sleeve shirt. First part: ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G64llfdI3EM How to make a linen shirt without a pattern? Shirt for beginners. Part 1. Drafting and cutting. Write your comments, please Enjoy watching, and share your opinion. Irina Paukshte\'s online courses: https://course.gfwschool.com/pages/courses Make your pattern perfect with 10 measurements: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=10measurement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9yW2-e8Vl8 How to make a sleeveless sheath dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sleeveless-sheath-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a sheath dress with sleeves: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sheath-dress-sleeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a bomber jacket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=bomber-jacket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C33KdIiL-A How to make a classic women\'s shirt: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=classic-shirt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWaJkW5jYK0 How to make a summer dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=summer-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qanzoypFbyc How to make a chiffon dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=chiffon-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4hW_gQuR4 How to make a polo style buttoned placket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=polo-style-placket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsraNkd3VDw How to sew a fly zipper: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=fly-zipper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5btCqwnNnv4 Our new Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/global_fw/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.es/GlobalFashionWorkshop/_created/'
Tags: blouse , t shirt design , shirt design , collar , Denim shirt , white t shirt , White Shirt , paukshte , paukshte fashion workshop , pant shirt , Shirts for Women , how to sew a blouse , Women Blouses , shirt for women , white shirt for women , t shirt for women , women white t shirt , loose t shirt for women , satin shirt women , how to sew shirt collar , stitching shirt collar , how to make a blose , sew a collar , sew a collared shirt , sew collar blouse , sew collar shirt , sew collar stand
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