'All of the stuff I personally bought while my mom and I were in Europe (Paris, Italy and Switzerland.) Travel Diaries: Italy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhq1X6wkUGs Switzerland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1BehQ7pmLU Paris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV5SEm9-C7Y Packing-ish Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWpGp8G3ZCI -I N F O- -I N S T R A G R A M- @MissPink273 -T W I T T E R- @MissPink273 -C O N T A C T- apw273@aol.com business inquiries - G O O G L E + W E B S I T E- google.com/+MiSsPiNk273 Camera- Canon Rebel T5i http://tinyurl.com/hw8r5aq Microphone- Takstar SGC-598 Mic http://tinyurl.com/guld4zn Editing Hacks- https://www.youtube.com/user/GlamSolutions'
Tags: fashion , clothes , makeup , Pink , hair , louis vuitton , nail tutorials , Shopaholic , shopping in paris , Louis Vuitton Paris , shopping addict , misspink273 , europe haul , things i bought while in europe , things i bought in paris , things i bought in switzerland , things I bought in italy , louis vuitton turenne mm , louis vuitton turenne , paris galeries lafayette , galeries lafayette haussmann , clothes from paris
See also: