'In this video we will learn the names of the most common clothes in French. Of course, there are some types of clothes which aren\'t listed here, so if you have any question please don\'t hesitate to ask. Here is the translation of the words seen in this video: une robe = a dress une jupe = a skirt un pantalon = a pair of trousers un polo = a polo shirt un T-shirt = a Tee-shirt une chemise = a shirt un pull = a pullover/jumper un costume = a suit une cravate = a tie un pyjama = pajamas un manteau = a coat des chaussures = shoes (une chaussure in singular form) des chaussettes = socks (une chaussette in singular form) une ceinture = a belt un chapeau = a hat France is famous for its fashion brands, are they also popular in your country? Can you name a French brand? What kind of clothes do they make?'
Tags: french , french language , learn french , French vocabulary , learning french , French 101 , easy french , french pronunciation , fle , french for beginners , french lessons , Clothes in French , French videos , french words , french words for beginners , french learning , French Basics , Français Langue Etrangère , French english translation , French lessons for beginners , French A1 , DELF A1 , DELF Prim' , DELF Junior , Les vêtements en Français
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