'Get my free proven Illustrator shortcuts + exclusive fashion design templates to cut your design time in half: http://bit.ly/sfd-free *************** You\'ve probably heard all sorts of fashion terminology like blocks, cutter\'s must, and grading. And when you\'re first getting started, those terms sound like a different language. David is a pattern drafter and sample sewer, and makes a full time living doing freelance work in a rural town in CO. In this behind the scenes video, he explains what a cutter\'s must is and how it\'s essential to getting your fashion designs cut (and then sewn). *************** Further your fashion design career by gaining confidence in AI - I\'ll show you exactly how in my free Ultimate Guide to Illustrator for Fashion: http://bit.ly/sfd-ug-ai Visit the Website: http://bit.ly/sfd-yt Like on Facebook: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-fb Follow on Pinterest: http://bit.ly/sewheidi-pin'
Tags: fashion designer , fashion design , fashion production , fashion manufacturing , factory , pattern drafting , sewing pattern , Technical Designer , pattern maker , sample sewing
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