Jun 21, 2022
'歡迎參訪 Carol 自在生活 BLOG http://caroleasylife.blogspot.com/ 歡迎訂閱 Carol自在生活頻道 https://www.youtube.com/user/caroljay01/featured 巧克力古早味蛋糕 (20*20cm 烤模) 材料: a.蛋黃麵糊部份: 蛋黃5個 液體植物油55g 牛奶55g 低筋麵粉60g 玉米粉10g 無糖純可可粉7g 苦甜巧克力20g b.蛋白霜部份: 蛋白5個 檸檬汁1茶匙(5cc) 細砂糖55g *150度C烘烤90分鐘 Taiwan Old Fashion chocolate Sponge Cake full recipe: (20*20cm) Ingredients : a.Batter 5 egg yolks 55g vegetable oil 55g milk 60g Cake flour 10g corn starch 7g unsweetened cocoa powder 20g dark chocolate (60%) b.Meringue: 5 egg whites 1 teaspoon (5ml) lemon juice 55g Caster sugar Preheat the oven to 150°C (301°F) 90min 「Twin Musicom」創作的「Italian Afternoon」 是根據「Creative Commons Attribution」(https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) 授權使用 演出者:http://www.twinmusicom.org/'See also: