'Fashion is one of the most polluting industries on earth and to become sustainable the entire industry has to undergo a seismic shift. This week we meet the designers and disruptors who are looking to change the future of fashion. ___________________________________________________________ Sustainable Fashion was searched more times on google than ever before last year and the fashion community is coming under ever greater pressure to make changes to the way the entire industry operates; which in the last two decades has been a race to the bottom, producing a new collection every week and making fast and cheap the priority. Fashion has a big environmental footprint using lots of water, chemicals and carbon to get garments to shops. There are some incredible brands and activists who are working to change the industry for the better from using cutting edge fabrics in their design to encouraging shoppers to repair, remake and rewear their clothes. IN THIS VIDEO WE MEET: Mary Creagh MP, the Chair of the governmental environmental audit committee for sustainable fashion who have just bought out their recommendations for government, businesses and individuals on reducing the environmental impact of fashion. You can read their full report here:https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201719/cmselect/cmenvaud/1952/1952.pdf Zoe Patridge is the founder of Wear the Walk a rental fashion company which lets customers rent designer outfits on a subscription service or for a one off fee. Rental services like this are aiming to reduce the amount of clothes we buy and throw in the bin, like a ‘Netflix for your wardrobe’: https://www.wearthewalk.co.uk Riona Treacy, is a designer who just had her first collection and London Fashion Week. All of her clothes are handmade in the UK and all the fabrics are sources in the UK and Ireland: https://rionatreacy.com/pages/about Wondering what we can do to reduce the impact of our clothes? CHOOSE CLOTHES YOU LOVE THAT WILL LAST If you are able to save up to invest in pieces that you really love and are going to be able to wear for years rather than just a season. DO YOUR RESEARCH Before you buy something do some digging around, become a fashion detective and see if you can find out who made your clothes, how they were made and what they are made from. REPAIR Repair is a radical act says Rose Marcario CEO of Patagonia and we agree with her, repairing something that you might normally replace is to become and owner rather than a consumer and a great way of making the clothes you love last longer. REUSE Pass the wardrobe gems that don\'t do it for you anymore onto pals or to charity shops and buy second hand where you can making use of the amazing fashion that already exists on the planet. To find out more about what you can do to reduce the impact of the clothes you wear visit https://www.fashionrevolution.org OR WATCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4lMx9K5Hwo REFERENCES https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2018/dec/31/fashion-watershed-year-moves-from-waste-woke-sustainable https://www.theweek.co.uk/98781/why-sustainable-fashion-matters https://sourcingjournal.com/topics/thought-leadership/sustainable-fast-fashion-133309/ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2018/dec/29/fast-fashion-giving-way-sustainable-wardrobe TALK TO US: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hellohubbub/ Website: http://www.hubbub.org.uk/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/hubbubuk LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hubb... Pinterest: https://uk.pinterest.com/hubbubuk/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HubbubUK'
Tags: fashion , LONDON FASHION WEEK , sustainable fashion , sustainable living , fast fashion , eco fashion , clothing waste , behaviour change , Sustainable fashion designer , Hubbub , Environmental Audit Committee , Mary Creagh MP , Wear The Walk , Textiles waste , Hubbub vlog , Hubbub charity
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