'I React To Alexander Wang Spring/Summer 2016 Show! | RUNWAY REACTION'

'I React To Alexander Wang Spring/Summer 2016 Show! | RUNWAY REACTION'
07:48 May 31, 2022
'My first look at the 2016 Spring/Summer Alexander Wang Collection! #NYFW CAN WE GET THIS VIDEO TO 1,000 LIKES!  Which designer would you like to see featured next on Runway Reactions?  Do you know somewhere who loves design or wants to be a designer? Share this video with them! Would love to hear their thoughts.  L E T\' S   B E   S O C I A L   + INSTAGRAM:  http://instagram.com/msfabulousteeks + TWITTER:  https://twitter.com/msfabulousteeks + FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/pages/MsFabulousTeeks +TUMBLR http://msfabulousteeks.tumblr.com/ +SNAPCHAT   @MsFabulousTeeks +VINE @MsFabulousTeeks  C O N T A C T + Business Inquires Only : MsFabulousTeeks_youtube@yahoo.com  S U B S C R I B E + Subscribe to my channel here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChvne3TOhUKW0QloegroP0A  V I D E O + Filmed with Canon T3i & Kit Lens + Editing Software Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014  *Who else has been excited about fashion week?*' 

Tags: fashion designer , style , msfabulousteeks , Fashion (Industry) , new york fashion week , chic , bohemian , spring summer , 2016 , lookbook , edgy , Collections , Alexander Wang (Fashion Designer) , fashion designs , Runway (Film) , Runway Reactions Alexander Wang! , lady lashurr , queen's speech

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