'Today we are going to show yuo how to make a sweater with dolman sleeve. The dolman sleeve it\'s a sleeve which begins from the hip. Irina Paukshte will tell you about this sleeve and show how to make it. In this video you will learn how to sew a sweater with a one-piece dolman sleeve without a pattern. Also you will see the sketch of the future garment and the fabric. Irina Paukshte will show you how to draw the lines, and tell you what measurements you need to take for work. From this video you will receive a lot of sewing tricks and tips on how to make a dolman sleeve. In the next video we will continue to work with the jumper and the dolman sleeve. Don\'t forget to click the \"Bell\" button, next to the\"Subscribe\" button, and you won\'t miss any videos. 30% DISCOUNT on COURSE BUNDLES Course bundles are serving best for people with experience and those who wants to start but doesn\'t know how. https://course.gfwschool.com/ Make your pattern perfect with 10 measurements: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=10measurement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9yW2-e8Vl8 How to make a sleeveless sheath dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sleeveless-sheath-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a sheath dress with sleeves: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=sheath-dress-sleeves https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HelQ9ygS5E How to make a bomber jacket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=bomber-jacket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8C33KdIiL-A How to make a classic women\'s shirt: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=classic-shirt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWaJkW5jYK0 How to make a summer dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=summer-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qanzoypFbyc How to make a chiffon dress: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=chiffon-dress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4hW_gQuR4 How to make a polo style buttoned placket: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=polo-style-placket https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsraNkd3VDw How to sew a fly zipper: https://course.gfwschool.com/course?courseid=fly-zipper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5btCqwnNnv4'
Tags: diy , sewing , handmade , pattern , missoni , fashion for women , cutting , Sleeves , sweater , garment , fitting , seams , jumper , fashion2021 , Christmas Jumper , Basting , paukshte , paukshte fashion workshop , dolman sleeve , Dolman , sewing courses , irina paukshte , Sewing and Cutting , taking measurements , sweaters for women , bust dart , puulover , fall jumpers , pullovers for women , country road jumper
See also: