'Pokemon Sun and Moon PART 1: https://youtu.be/qrelDvGC0fU?list=PL_lABM4PHKBLkCczWpDCkS4ASoAV-mEU9 Last Episode - PART 3 - Munchlax + Snorlium Z - Rotom Dex - Trainers\' School Battles: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7hFIKYveNI&index=3&list=PL_lABM4PHKBLkCczWpDCkS4ASoAV-mEU9 Next Episode - PART 5 - VS Team Skull & Trial Captain Ilima - Egg Surprise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fENQiJF-CFM&index=5&list=PL_lABM4PHKBLkCczWpDCkS4ASoAV-mEU9 Pokemon Sun and Moon (Full Game Version) Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_lABM4PHKBLkCczWpDCkS4ASoAV-mEU9 Welcome to PART 4 of our Pokemon Sun and Moon gameplay walkthrough for Nintendo 3DS! We\'re picking a new Starter Pokemon and heading to the Alola region with my rival Danielle for Gen VII, featuring new Trials & Island Kahunas in place of traditional Gym Badges, Poke Ride replacing HMs & Bikes, extremely powerful Z-Moves, Alolan Forms of Kanto Pokemon, and more improvements & changes to the series. Thanks for watching guys! Hey there! I\'m Adam (aka Swimming Bird) & I play games each day to share my experiences with you. Thank you for taking the time to watch. Please leave me a comment (I do my best to read them all) If you enjoyed the video, please Rate and Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=SwimmingBird941 Talk to me on TWITTER @ https://twitter.com/SwimmingBird941 Pokemon Sun and Moon EPISODE 4: Rival Battle VS Danielle - Team Dani: Alolan Rattata, Magnemite, Alolan Grimer, Alolan Meowth, Pikipek, & Litten - My Team: Grubbin, Pikipek, Munchlax, Alolan Meowth, Pichu, & Rowlet - Hau\'oli City - Beachfront - Rotom Dex - Pyukumuku - Hau - Tourist Center - Poke Finder - Ultra Balls - Camera Photo Spot - Pikachu Pictures - Wild Abra - Lillie\'s Lens Case - Apparel Shop - Silk Scarf - Salon - New Hair Style & Color - New Clothes - Abba the Abra - Revive - Poke Beans - Pokemon Center - Move Deleter - Poke Mart - Drifloon Quest - Cafe - Rare Candy - Lemonade - Lava Cookie - Bonus Poke Beans - Team Skull Rumors - Kahuna Hala & Tauros - Trial Captain Ilima\'s House - Lumiose Galette - Hau\'oli City Hall - Malasada Shop - Machamp Lot Animal Crossing New Leaf - Welcome amiibo Update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJvX-AiOQeA&list=PL_lABM4PHKBJw8YdeZtWAox-i3Lj2HjMT&index=109 Paper Mario Color Splash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMJPtbPTec0&list=PL_lABM4PHKBLu53g2RviL72YueT8tnYVT&index=1 Kirby Planet Robobot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zerJKnA1ox4&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKyb_oZloufMokZzjHUh7gQ Dragon Quest Builders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHNEPSRvQ14&list=PL_lABM4PHKBK4w6dTcNO-EGqDMpD1IKF3&index=1 Rhythm Heaven Megamix: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06a3v8dfIJw&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBJPJe_2B7T8ZP7LyEZgbe9Q Twilight Princess HD - The Legend of Zelda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoIdCnbypFc&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBIKhT6Y4WGC4NeDia6gmbz0 UNDERTALE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sh8-dHlQlw0&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKb6iDysJbmgPBtNlCFV4JU&index=1 SPLATOON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVZHLU-Nw5U&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBK-2_kCMDz5T7khpFHnLwKH Miitomo App: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nM-Qwxm1apQ&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKtEgcWkV0bvu_4DN1kbdKt&index=1 Super Smash Bros 4 Wii U: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1-wEXWky1A&list=PL_lABM4PHKBL7pONSinV-2XfjhcyOdQpk&index=1 Pokken Tournament: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PedrwfaPvjo&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKgvuYvvTvst6auq7mHh826 Majora\'s Mask 3DS The Legend of Zelda: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dQIv8LzCOg&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBJj0Ezn4v-YejyYuuaH_OSl Super Mario Maker: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Soq85PleO3w&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKPex-h7w0j9obKADo10Rtn&index=1 Animal Crossing Happy Home Designer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BCTxPVuJBI&list=PL_lABM4PHKBJBfDEqVnf9U0zu2oUQnbgJ&index=1 Mario Party 10 Wii U (2 Player with Danielle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdN9TcRehPM&index=1&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKTnGWCKO7IaPYkRgpTQrmo Mario Kart 8 (Wii U): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qoVZZN-hNCA&index=2&list=PL_lABM4PHKBKnYlpBygU9JHi0V_rdKl-6 The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up50hzjpwjg&list=PL_lABM4PHKBJhMVXuEjuRy3OkqNt-GBfA&index=1 Super Mario 3D World - 2P Co-Op with Danielle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xHe4IkAgTY&list=PL_lABM4PHKBI-DZArs6_wGe6gq0_nmXWc&index=1 Tomodachi Life (3DS): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVPCL38gqOo&index=2&list=PL_lABM4PHKBK5aJWK_P0O-ZmyhzDXIGzQ Minecraft - Hardcore Adventure Challenge: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_lABM4PHKBLQvtdLe5xsTskn79i_5hvH Thumbnail Trainer Art by Danielle: http://scribblekin.tumblr.com/post/153316920378/pumped-for-sun-and-moon-gonna-be-doin-the New Ending Theme by Dominic Ninmark: https://soundcloud.com/dominicninmark Original Ending song \"Swimming Bird\'s Theme\" by Julian Cornell: https://soundcloud.com/julian-cornell'
Tags: new , HD , style , clothes , form , all , review , Nintendo , Gameplay , video , gaming , Ride , game , Battle , Swimming , english , games , walkthrough , sun , Apparel , Play , PART 1 , Pokemon , pikachu , Fight , hair , video game , let's play , boss , Adam , Lets , Ending , Moon , STYLES , starter , playthrough , 3ds , episode 1 , BIRD , LP , episode 4 , part 4 , trial , hau , litten , Starters , pokemon sun and moon , raichu , hala , Alola , Kukui , Cosmog , swimmingbird941 , pokemon sun , pokemon moon , alolan , evolutions , rivla , munchlax , rowlet , popplio , rockruff , Lillie , swimmingbird
See also: