'Subscribe Now: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ehowbeauty Watch More: http://www.youtube.com/ehowbeauty The best color options for business casual include lighter colors as well as blacks and grays. Find out about the best color options for business casual with help from the chief style officer at StyleWorks of Union Square in this free video clip. Expert: Carol Davidson Contact: www.yourstyleworks.com Bio: Carol Davidson, AICI CIP, is President of StyleWorks of Union Square. Filmmaker: Brandon Gonzales Series Description: When picking out a particular outfit to wear, you always have to take the occasion and the venue into careful consideration. Get tips on the best fashion for you with help from the chief style officer at StyleWorks of Union Square in this free video series.'
Tags: fashion tips , dress code , business casual , business casual suit , how not to wear a suit , dress code tips , dress code limitations
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