'Survey and demonstration of the clothing women wore in the northern Italian city-states during the 14th-century. This class was given by Sarai Tindall Sogliano of the Middle Kingdom. The handouts for this class can be found here https://clothingthepast.files.wordpress.com/2019/10/assembling-a-14th-century-soft-kit.pdf For more details on this virtual Italian Renaissance history event and the other classes available read the blog post for #labelladonnahistory https://fleurtyherald.wordpress.com/2020/04/27/salone-di-fiesole-virtual-sca-event/ This video is brought to you by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc (SCA). Learn more about the mission of this international educational non-profit organization at https://www.sca.org Visit the SCA Virtual Classroom and Artisan Display group on Facebook to find more classes from this and other pre-17th-century events https://www.facebook.com/groups/virtualsca/ #mysca #scaathome #italiansalone #sca'
Tags: dress , History , sca , living history , reenactment , society for creative anachronism , italian renaissance , italian renaissance history , italian salone , italian salon , 14th-century , 14th-century clothing , sarai tindall sogliano
See also: