'100 Years of Fashion: Handbags ★ Mode.com'

02:35 May 9, 2022
'As makeup carriers, cigarette holders, and storage for our wallets, cameras, phones, and so many other things, women’s handbags have always been an intricate part of our lives. Take a look at some of the trends throughout the ages and find out what we’ve been hiding inside them for the past 100 years.   Handbags Provided By: Cicely Hansen, owner of Decades of Fashion San Francisco. www.decadesoffashionsf.com  415-551-1653  For more videos like this, visit us on MODE:   Follow us on Twitter:  Friend us on Facebook:  Check us out on Instagram:  Get inspired on Pinterest:  Add us to your circle on Google+:' 

Tags: mode media , mode media glam , Women’s Purses , history of purses , women’s handbags , history of handbags , 60s handbag , 80s purse , 70s purse , 90s purse

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