03:21 May 4, 2022
'Hi everyone, Grace here.  Today I wanted to talk about sustainable fashion.  With fast fashion becoming a huge issue, people are looking for sustainable alternatives.  Instead of talking about specific brands, I wanted to explain the problem.  I know for me I was confused as to whether I was doing the right thing.  So, I am here to provide clarity on being ethical with your fashion choices.  Fast fashion is a global issue that is hurting the environment.  Feel free to let me know your thoughts and reactions by messaging me on social media.  Remember, by making better fashion choices, we can help the environment.  What I Covered:  What is Sustainable Fashion  How to Find It  Avoiding Fast Fashion  Check Out My Last Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzqAdlu6_Yc  Follow Me and Join the Sustainability Fight:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/grace.mcgrath.33821189 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/grace-mcgrath-a7345114b/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/GemMcG Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gem_changer/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/gemithaca/  Subscribe today for more videos about sustainability.  #Sustainability #HelpingTheEnvironment #GracesTips' 

Tags: fashion , sustainability , sustainable fashion , global , ethical fashion , fast fashion , issues , helping the environment , grace’s tips

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