'Dialogues in French and English : https://www.youtube.com/123dialogues Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Learn-French-Video-Lessons-YouLearnFrench/275887139170415 http://youlearnfrench.blogspot.com You can also learn and practice your French on the channel 123dialogues with many everyday life basic dialogues and easy conversations for survival French for intermediate, beginner and advanced levels. Formal dialogue conversation about shopping in French and buying clothes and shoes in a store. Comment faire du shopping et acheter des vetements et des chaussures en français dans un magasin. Diálogo formal conversación sobre ir de compras y cómo comprar ropa y zapatos en francés en una tienda.'
Tags: pronunciation , grammar , learn french , French vocabulary , French course , vocabulario , french for beginners , cours de francais , you learn french , franzosischkurs , french online , curso de frances , apprendre le francais , leçons de francais , aprende frances , franzosisch lektion , parler francais , clases de frances , speak french fluently , lecciones de frances , french lessons , youlearnfrench , franzosisch lernen , aula de frances , liçao de frances , 123dialogues
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