'Climate protestor storms Louis Vuitton catwalk'

'Climate protestor storms Louis Vuitton catwalk'
01:01 Mar 8, 2022
'Protesters disrupted a Louis Vuitton fashion show in Paris on Tuesday by walking down the catwalk with a banner condemning the impact of excessive consumption on the environment.  Carrying a sign reading \"overconsumption = extinction,\" at least one of the protesters representing Amis de la Terre France, Youth for Climate and Extinction Rebellion marched down the same path as the models, causing a stir in the audience, a Reuters witness said.  The protester was wrestled to the ground by security before being led away.  In the front row, French cinema stars Catherine Deneuve and Isabelle Huppert hardly flinched, while some members of the Arnault clan, seated next to LVMH chief executive officer and chairman Bernard Arnault, glanced at each other.  Another protester also carrying a banner made it onto the catwalk briefly before being led away by security.  SUBSCRIBE ➤ http://bit.ly/FollowST -------------------- WEBSITE ➤ http://www.straitstimes.com TWITTER ➤ https://twitter.com/straits_times FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/TheStraitsTimes INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/straits_times PODCASTS ➤ http://str.sg/stpodcasts TELEGRAM ➤ https://t.me/straitstimes  The Straits Times, the English flagship daily of SPH, has been serving readers for more than a century. Launched on July 15, 1845, its comprehensive coverage of world news, East Asian news, Southeast Asian news, home news, sports news, financial news and lifestyle updates makes The Straits Times the most-read newspaper in Singapore.  Video: Reuters' 

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