'Join me for this book review of Nancy Riegelman\'s book 9 Heads. In my opinion, it is a must-have text for anyone wanting to learn how to draw the figure or improve their fashion illustrations or flat drawings. The idea for the video came from In episode 44 of That Sewing Blab when we reviewed our favourite sewing books. We invited viewers to come on screen and tell us about their favourite books. We were lucky to have some of the most talented sewist and bloggers I know come on the show to talk about their favourite books. Link to That Sewing Blab\'s Book Review show: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/tsb44bookreviews I wrote two follow up posts on the Duelling Designs blog which listed all the books mentioned in the show. The posts also curated other bloggers lists of favourite book, as well as my own. Links to post on the blog: http://duellingdesigns.com/2017/01/31/sewing-book-reviews-part-one/ http://duellingdesigns.com/2017/02/06/sewing-book-reviews-part-two/ Fashion Illustration Tribe link: http://www.fashionillustrationtribe.com/ Subscribe to the Duelling Designs channel for more reviews, sewing vlogs, episodes of That Sewing Blab and patternmaking videos.'
Tags: fashion , sewing , fashion illustration , fashion sketch , book review , sew , fashion illustration book , Duelling Designs , 9 heads , Flat Drawings , 9 Heads Book , 9 Heads Book Review
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