'If you\'re new to Fashion Illustration, don\'t fret, so am I! In this second episode for beginners, draw along with me as I teach myself how to draw a Croquis in a less painful way! While I have been an established artist for years (with an on-line art school and author of the popular \"How to Draw Fun, Fab Faces\" book series, I am completely new to fashion design and illustration and have no idea what I\'m doing! My hope is that by teaching myself, from scratch, from multiple sources, my students can follow along with me saving them the pain, money and time that I\'ve spent! Hopefully we will have a blast along the way! If you DO decide to draw along with me, I\'d love to see what you\'re doing! Join the FB group at: http://www.facebook.com/groups/awesomeartschool/ The website for the 30 day amazing free downloads is: http://www.sewingnpatterns.com/ If you missed the first Episode you can find it here: https://youtu.be/t2zXI_97T7I More Free Tutorials and Access to All Classrooms: http://AwesomeArtSchool.com Portfolio: http://www.karencampbellartist.com The Following Publications are available on Amazon: How to Draw Fun, Fab Faces: An Easy Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing and Coloring Fun Female Faces (Volume 1) How to Draw MORE Fun, Fab Faces: A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to drawing and coloring the female face in profile and 3/4 view. (Volume 2) How to Draw Fun Fab Fellas: A Fun, Easy, and Comprehensive Guide to Drawing Male Faces. (Volume 3) For the Colorful Teacher: A Stress Relieving Coloring and Activity Book (For the Colorful People) (Volume 1) Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/karencampbellartist/ Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/awesomeartschool/ Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/karencampbellartist Etsy Shop: http://www.coolmamacrafts.etsy.com Thanks for watching!!!!!! Check out these videos for more awesome inspiration! The AMAZING James Burke https://youtu.be/JwNhGTkvl1o And Nick does great tutorials! https://youtu.be/99hkDvR01MQ https://youtu.be/ZPxcMshMSVo'
Tags: fashion illustration for beginners , how to draw a croquis , Fashion drawings , learn how to draw a croquis , an easy croquis , how to do fashion drawings
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