'Female Fashion Figures: Step 1 of 4: Figuring Out the Pose & Proportions'

'Female Fashion Figures: Step 1 of 4: Figuring Out the Pose & Proportions'
36:56 Feb 10, 2022
'UPDATE: Here\'s a link to my playlist of fashion figure drawing tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwQq1-SdsNvYkupMPA_OszCQXWqGQ1FRm (Includes all steps of the How to Draw Fashion Figures series and How to Elongate Fashion Figures)  SKIP TO 11:02 IF YOU DON\'T NEED AN INTRO TO MATERIALS.  How to draw fashion figures for illustration or design work. Later videos will cover how to complete the steps, how to elongate figures into the classic 10-head fashion figure, how to draw male fashion figures, and more. *** Need figure reference photos? I get mine here: https://www.80spurple.com/collections/women-swimwear or here: http://www.fashionising.com/pictures and I also have a Pinterest board full of ref photos here: https://www.pinterest.com/zoehong/figure-drawing-refs/ *** NOTES:  Sometimes I use the words \"scrap\" or \"swipe\"--these are nicknames for visual reference pictures.  \"Croquis\" (pronounced kro-kee) means \"quick sketch\" in French and I often call fashion figures croquis figures, or croquis for short.    ***  Come find me at https://zoehong.com   Need help? I sell fashion figure templates, flats templates, tech pack templates and a lot more in my shop here: https://shop.zoehong.com/   https://instagram.com/zoehong/  https://www.pinterest.com/zoehong/  https://twitter.com/zoehong  https://www.tiktok.com/@zoehongteaches   https://www.facebook.com/groups/920367461450543/  Come join our group, make friends, network with likeminded creatives!   CONTACT: teaching@zoehong.com' 

Tags: fashion , how to , tutorial , fashion industry , Fashion (Industry) , pencil , lesson , fashion illustration , demo , fashion design (industry) , fashion illustration tutorial , Zoe Hong , Process , technique , illustration , template , croquis , tracing paper , fashion figures , demonstration , Drawing (Interest) , figure drawing , life drawing , graph ruler

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