'Fashion Illustration for Beginners Drawing Colorful Clothing Digital Fashion Illustration-This one is one of my favorite illustrations! Her colorful skirt and hot pink blouse give this piece a mood- A happy one! The floral print skirt can be any print you want. Drawing colorful clothes can be a great exercise in color theory. The more colorful, the better. As long as the skirt has the color of the shirt in its print, you are good! I created this on my iPad with Apple Pencil and Procreate App. MUSIC CREDITS-Chan Redfield for Elaine Biss. Thank you so much for watching my video! If you want to see more videos like this one, be a HAUTIE & give that \"like\" button a click, comment and subscribe! VISIT MY SITE! Elaine Biss Fashion Illustrator & Events https://www.elainebiss.com My Merch- https://www.Crated.com/elainebiss More merch- https://www.society6.com/elainebiss GET MY BOOK! La Vie a Paris http://amzn.to/2fEDSY4 Follow me on Social Media! https://www.twitter.com/elainebiss https://www.facebook.com/elainebissillustrator https://www.pinterest.com/elainebiss/ https://www.instagram.com/elaine.biss https://vine.co/u/958839276022452224 https://www.soundcloud.com/elainebiss http://www.snapchat.com/Elaine.biss EMAIL- Elaine@elainebiss.com SNAIL MAIL- P.O.Box 256 Bausman, PA 17504 © Copyright 2007-2017 Elaine Biss. All rights reserved.'
Tags: fashion illustration for beginners , color theory , digital fashion illustration , #ootd , apple pencil , elaine biss fashion illustrator , procreate app , ipad fashion drawing , Drawing colorful clothes
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