!['FASHION ROYALTY DOLL REVIEW: NUFACE ERIN IN ROUGES [INTEGRITY TOYS]'](https://cdn-img01.colettefashion.com/images/56-m/584/584484.jpg)
'I don\'t usually get such expensive dolls, but I could not resist this \"Erin In Rouges\" doll that I saw on Ebay by NuFace (part of the Fashion Royalty line by Integrity Toys). These are \'adult collector\' dolls that are highly detailed and come with great accessories. Erin In Rouges stands about 12 inches tall and is fully articulated at the head, chest, elbows, shoulders, wrists, waist, and knees. Her hair is a rich chestnut or auburn brown, her eyes are a piercing blue, and her lips fire-engine red. Erin In Rouges has rooted eyelashes as well as a dramatic arch to her brow. Fashion Royalty dolls are known for looking like supermodels, and this one is no exception. Erin In Rouges looks like she just completed a Vogue photo shoot in her strappy red dress, red stiletto boots, and her dark red fur coat. She also comes with earrings (but you have to pierce her ears yourself), rings, and an extra pair of hands. Oh, and a doll stand. The Fashion Royalty doll stands are a bit odd, I must say. They are a single piece of plastic that wedges between the doll\'s legs, and I am thankful I am not a doll every time I look at it - that\'s got to be highly uncomfortable. These amazing dolls are created by designer Jason Wu, and even though she cost a pretty penny, I don\'t think she is my last one (although I did promise my husband she WOULD be, LOL). Hope you enjoyed this review - let me know what you think of Fashion Royalty dolls in the comments below!'
Tags: integrity toys , fashion royalty dolls , fashion royalty dolls review , erin in rouges , nuface erin , nuface doll review
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