'Thank you for joining me for this demonstration! What is my nu,ber one piece of advice for beginners? I amswer that question in this video. https://youtu.be/heYoeD-GS0E CONFIDENCE In your SKETCHING is a humongous boost to your style career amd creative life! Tayasui Sketches is a fantastic app- a full set of art supplies and papers right i side your ipad or tablet. It\'s also elegant and easy to use! I\'m Laura Volpintesta, a fashion professional, fashion illustrator amd 2o years fashion faculty at Parsons in NYC. I also created their first online fashion design course. Learn more with me amd dive deep into creating amd expressing your visions through tools, exercises and guided design projects with me at http://www.fashionillustrationtribe.com'
Tags: fashion , Design , how , model , app , art , beginner , Android , fashion sketching , learn , artist , figure , illustration , fashion drawing , Sketching , digital , drawing , fashion design drawing , iPad , croquis , digital drawing , learn fashion drawing , Fashion Model Drawing , digital fashion , fashion teachers , tayasui , digital fashion sketching , ipad for fashion , how to use ipad fashion illustration , how to draw fashiuon , drawing for fashion , digital painting apps
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