'Today we are making my favorite pound cake. This recipe makes a lot of cake batter so use an extra-large Bundt pan or divide it up when baking or it will spill over! This cake is moist and delicious with that crunch on the top that we all love so much. Warm it up in a toaster oven and butter it to enjoy a sweet breakfast or dessert. Visit our website today to order cookbooks and much more here: https://www.collardvalleycooks.com Tammy Nichols is on a mission to teach YOU how to cook just like mama did! She enjoys being in the kitchen bringing you everyday dishes that her mama, granny and maw maw made. No fancy ingredients, just good old country girl cooking. Tammy grew up in Polk County (NW) Georgia in an area called Collard Valley. She now lives in Saint Marys, GA. with her husband who is retired from the GA. School System and has girls in college at Georgia Southern in Savannah, Georgia. Thanks for watching and Happy Cooking Like Mama Did!! NOW FOR THIS FAMILY RECIPE: My Favorite Pound Cake 1 CUP SHORTENING 3/4 CUP BUTTER (ROOM TEMPERATURE) 3 CUPS GRANULATED SUGAR 9 RAW EGGS 3 CUPS ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR 1 TSP. SALT 2 TSP. BAKING POWDER 2 TSP. VANILLA FLAVORING 1 TSP. ALMOND EXTRACT Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. This recipe makes a lot of cake batter so use an extra-large Bundt pan or divide it up when baking or it will spill over! Use stand mixer and put shortening, butter and sugar in mixing bowl and beat well. Now add eggs one at a time. Add baking powder & salt. Add flour 1/2 cup at a time. Add flavorings. Mix on medium low speed for 2 minutes tops. Pour into well-greased fluted Bundt pan. Bake for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Now turn the oven down to 325 degrees and bake for 30 more minutes. Fruit Topping: Take bag of frozen peaches or strawberries (about 1 ½ cups) add 1 cup of sugar and place in microwave for 8 minutes. Take out and put in shallow dish to cool. Take the side of a large spoon and cut up the fruit if desired. Serve over cake with whipped topping.'
Tags: family , kitchen , woman , Food , Recipes , Easy , simple , classic , mama , Fight , 60's , 70's , old , southern , Real , Valley , 50's , good , fff , Pioneer , old fashioned , appalachian , RAMSAY , Country Living , Cooks , Dean , biscuits , scratch , tammy , country cooking , southern style , rolled , hillbilly , best southern cooks , southern homemade , old timey , ole , white lily , cat head , collard , nichols , cvc , pound cake , 9 egg pound cake , 6 egg , 5 egg , 7 egg , 8 egg , vanilla pound cake
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