'Hey everyone!!!!!!!!! I am Srishti Welcome to my youtube channel BeFashionative If you guys think making a fashion croqui is tough then think before. In this video I\'ve shown you how to make female flesh/flash figure side view with the help of fashion block figure side. All you need below materials - A3 - sheet Getway Pencil Well the link of fashion block figure side view is below. Do check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGwGqh41V2M&t=19s It is so easy to make just you need some practice. Thankyou so much!!!!'
Tags: fashion , fashion illustration , fashion sketching , FASHION WORLD , fashion class , free fashion designing class , Fashion Block Figure , fashion content , easy fashion sketching , fashion flesh figure , fashion flash figure , fashion flash figure side view , fashion croqui side view , how to male female flesh figure side view , fashion desiging classes , free fashion classes , fun fashion video , BeFashionative
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