'Hello! happy weekend everyone! this is my first time doing a male fashion on YouTube so i hope you like the video and if you have any questions please put it below in the comment in this video i will try to sketch men\'s hoodie set of course using autodesk sketchbook software you can find it in this link below : http://sketchbook.com/ and you can download my fashion templates here : click on the line ( https://amirasamira34.blogspot.com/2020/09/camouflage-hoodie-set-with-men-fashion.html ) and please do not forget to subscribe , like and share the video thanks for watching XOXO design and sketch by #amirasamira34'
Tags: fashion , Design , dress , fashion 2020 , colors , illustration , fashion drawing , How to draw , men fashion , hoodie , Mini Dress , تصميم الازياء , draw fashion , pencils , dessin de mode , draw a dress , digital fashion , fashion for beginners , تعلم تصميم الازياء , تصميم الملابس , Hijab (Garment) , La Mode , catwallk pose , draw a croquis , how to desgin , رسم الازياء , pencil colored , Robe caftan en velours , تصميم الازياء للمبتدئن , رسم فتاة محجبة , طريقة رسم العباية
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