'WATCH IN HD ! :) Sorry about the quality of this one, I had to email the videos to myself and it lost some of the sharpness. Welcome to the description box ! All of these clothes I have purchased with my own money. Any affiliate codes I have with brands will be clearly marked in every video (if I even have one, LOL). The point of these videos is to show you how items of clothing may fit on, or may look on someone with a similar body type to you. They are in no way me looking for body shaming or criticism on how I look. I recently discovered documentaries on \"Fast Fashion\" so I won\'t be uploading as many try on hauls as I previously have. thank you 1. Karly Sweater Grey - Small I don\'t want to Jeans Black- Size 1 2. You better work shirt II Olive - small 3. Turn your back top Denim- Small 4. All or Nothing white denim Overalls- Small Zara White crop Top- Small 5. Black Bluenotes jeans- 25 Chillax White tee- Xsmall 6. Aritzia Crop Sweater- Xsmall 7. Bluenotes Grey Sweater- Small 8. Bluenotes Camo Sweater- Xsmall Thanks for watching If you like these videos please give me a thumbs up and subscribe Follow me on Twitter ! https://twitter.com/ShadowKati'
Tags: fashion , beauty , guru , YouTube , nova , fashion nova , beautyguru , tryon , tryonhaul , novababe , fastfashion
See also: