'BECOME A PATRON AND GET ANY SONG YOU WANT: http://www.patreon.com/coversolutions TAB PLAYER I USE: http://goplayalong.sjv.io/c/1235388/409328/7375 TABS HERE: http://www.mediafire.com/folder/ns31ck21m36dn/Cover_Solutions FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/thecoversolutions TWITTER: https://twitter.com/CoverSolutions1 Tips And Comments: - Playing Technique: Played next to the bridge for fingers and next to the end of the fretboard for slapping. Middle strength. Neck pickup, full tone - Gear Sound: Added some bass and a bit of treble - About The Song: Nice line to play along and practicing some intermediate slapping parts. Slapping should be very tight and controlled. Transcribed from studio version with help of live videos Need more tips? Just comment! *All the tabs in this channel are created by me, if you have any advice in the transcription feel free to comment! *Gear: Taurus t-24 Washburn 4 String Bass (D\'addario .045 Standard Strings or Dunlop .045)/ Ibanez SA 120 Guitar/ Alesis Dm6 Drums - Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 Interface - PC (Digital Processing)'
Tags: tutorial , lesson , how to play , Bass , david bowie , play along , Bass Cover , TABS , ashes to ashes , bajo , cover solutions
See also: