'Please Like and Subscribe! :) In this video we have some G-Rated family friendly Opening and Playing with the Shopkins Fashion Boutique Play Set Hope you enjoyed watching the video! G Rated Family Gaming G-Rated Family Gaming -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"SlitherIO Clash Royale HC Takedown and Smash Fu G Rated Family Gaming\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIZdfSXUe7E -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-'
Tags: fashion , family , youtube kids , Unboxing , Opening , family gaming , playset , safe for kids , boutique , Shopkins , unboxing toys , fgteev , shopkins videos , kids corner , no bad words , g-rated family gaming , Shopkins playset , clean gaming , no bad language gaming , gaming that is clean , clean family gaming , safe gaming channel , HobbyKid TV , safe for children , clean and safe gaming , Shopkins Fashion Boutique Play Set Unbox and Play , Shopkins playset unboxing , unbox and play , boutiques fgteev
See also: