'WATCH IN HD 1080 HEY BABES! I decided to put this little battle of the brands video together to compare fashion nova skinny jeans to pretty little skinny jeans . I hope you found this video helpful and if you did enjoy making sure you like and subscribe to join the family, also comment down below what you\'d like to see in the future i\'ll be coming out with a lot of content for the month of July so make sure you\'re subscribed and you have your post notifications on !!! love lots #fashionnovajeans #prettylittlethingjeans #plt ♡ My measurements: Height :5’4 on a good day… Weight :118-120 Bust : 32 Waist: 25 Hip :37 Shoe size: 7 ================================= FASHION NOVA JEANS SIZE 1 PLT JEANS SIZE 2 Black jeans https://www.fashionnova.com/products/well-played-jeans-black https://www.prettylittlething.us/prettylittlething-black-disco-skinny-jean.html Mid wash jeans https://www.fashionnova.com/products/lets-get-carried-away-jeans-medium https://www.prettylittlething.us/prettylittlething-light-wash-disco-skinny-jean.html 3rd set https://www.fashionnova.com/products/i-just-might-booty-shaping-jeans-medium-wash https://www.prettylittlething.us/prettylittlething-bleach-wash-disco-skinny-jean.html White jeans https://www.fashionnova.com/products/canopy-jeans-white ================================= CONNECT WITH ME! ♡ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truelyaisha/ ♡ Twitter: https://twitter.com/truelyaisha *BUSINESS INQUIRIES ONLY* Please contact theaishaalabi@gmail.com'
Tags: hit or miss , haul , zara , try on haul , clothing haul , lookbook , Nigerian Youtuber , emily , primark , boohoo , black youtuber , pretty little thing , i spent , pretty little thing haul , plt haul , is it worth it , new in , plt , haul 2019 , new in pretty little thing , I spent how much , new in zara , haul week , pretty little thing haul 2020 , black girl Youtuber pretty lit , testing oh polly , primark week , oh polly review , pretty little , angwi tacho plt haul , fashion nova jeans haul size 1
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