Nov 19, 2021
'Click the link below to enroll in class: https://joanna-baker.teachable.com Fashion Illustration with Marker Rendering for Beginners I\'m excited to announce my very first fashion illustration online class now available for purchase! If you\'ve loved watching my tutorials here on YouTube, this class takes the instruction to a whole other level! In this course, you\'ll learn how to use various marker techniques to create a full runway fashion figure. We\'ll cover basic fashion proportions, details like faces, hair and difficult to render hands and feet. I\'ll break everything down into manageable lessons and go step-by-step so you\'ll have the confidence you need to keep practicing and working towards developing your own illustration style. There are 5+ hours of video content and you\'ll receive 12 bonus downloads including fashion croquis figures, rendering worksheets, art supply list and marker buying guide. Once you purchase the course, you\'ll gain instant lifetime access to all of the content. You can go at your own pace, rewind and watch the lessons as many times as you\'d like. All the videos are in real time (no time lapse videos here!) so you can easily follow along. I can\'t wait to see what you think of the class... happy sketching!! To see more of my illustrations, be sure to follow me: Instagram: @JoannaBaker Snapchat: @JoannaLBaker You can also shop my illustrations here: Online Shop: http://www.joanna-baker.com Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/joannabaker Phone Cases: http://www.casetify.com/joannabaker Stay tuned for more videos and don\'t forget to subscribe if you like my channel!! =)'
Tags: How to draw , fashion art , online class , fashion illustration class , joanna baker
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